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Jerry E Schmitz | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Les Long 14-Dec-2012 21:36
I don't know if you remember me (Les Long)or not, but we were on the Clay at the same time and I'm in a couple of the pictures. After all these years I stumbled across these pictures and they really brought back some memories. I'm in the one of the poker pictures sitting between Wayne Moris and Tolly. The other picture I'm sitting and rubbing my eyes like I just got up. Thanks for posting the pictures and I can't believe it took me so long to find them.
Will Wright 09-May-2012 03:01
Interesting pics but some of the captions make no sense. A great photo is wasted unless viewers know what it depicts.

Will Wright
old Panama hand
Leonard Collins 08-Mar-2012 13:30
Hi, my name is Leonard Collins. I lived at Ft. Kobe from 1956-1959. When we first moved there, we lived in quarters at what was called "Flat" Kobe. A year later, we moved to Kobe Heights, up on the hill. We lived about halfway up on the left.
Wayne 20-Jan-2009 15:37
Finally had some time to review your RSA trip pic's. Thanks for sharing. Your game park trips look like fun ! Always enjoyable to see your perspective and note some of your humorous title's on each pic.
Randy Sickmeier 29-Dec-2008 01:59
Hi my name is randy,served in army in panama at howard 1967-68 Iam visting there in feb 2009 wondered if fort kobt still there and if anyone allowed to visit ? I cant remember how far panama city is from the fort Thanks
Emmett 17-Nov-2008 21:16
Jerry: Seeing this site, tells me, you got to get out more!
Seriously, these are some wonderful shots of your travels.

Thanks for sharing them with friends
Emmett 17-Nov-2008 16:54
Jerry: Seeing this site, tells me, you got to get out more!
Seriously, these are some wonderful shots of your travels.

Thanks for sharing them with friends
Guest 16-Oct-2007 13:28
Jerry, Always enjoy your pictures and comments- another great class reunion re: the pics. Hope we can make it next time!! Getting ready to head for the Panama Canal cruise so enjoyed your pics of it also. Take care, Tim and Linda
Guest 15-Oct-2007 18:58
Jerry, great work with the photos - had a big smile the entire 70+. For all my class-mates - a great evening! Stay healthy, God bless and see you next time.

Bill Kelley
Guest 19-Jun-2006 04:08
Panama Canal pics at this site are AWESOME! Best pics of the canal I have found. Thank you so much for taking the time to make and share these pics.
Charles Chapman 19-Aug-2005 18:05
Just received an email with your HC pics link. Faces look familiar, names are a different story. Served Gold, 72-75. As I remember any names and events, I'll pass them on to you.
Others sent but not yet posted.

Pictures help.

Charles (Chuck) Chapman
Jim McDonald 16-Aug-2005 04:36
Had a good time looking at Henry Clay pictures. Skip Perry and I (Jim McDonald) could name just about everybody in all the pictures but I'm sure you'll get all that data at the reunion so I won't bother sending it to you.

Hope to see you in KC Sept. Mac
Cathy Woody 20-Jul-2005 18:52
I love the Poplar Forest paintings.... and remembered seeing some of the others (phone booth painting) when you lived in Virginia. There is a lot of talent behind those paintings!
Guest 17-Sep-2003 14:08
By the contents of your galleries – it looks like you are having fun. Way to go!
Nice travel photos. – Waynette