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Jerry E Schmitz | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bermuda - After Fabian tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bermuda - After Fabian

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Warwick Beach
Warwick Beach
Warwick Beach
Warwick Beach
Warwick Beach
Warwick Beach
Little Cove near Warwick Beach
Little Cove near Warwick Beach
Little Cove near Warwick Beach
Little Cove near Warwick Beach
Gibbs Hill Light House
Gibbs Hill Light House
Gibbs Hill Light House
Gibbs Hill Light House
Gibbs Hill Light House
Gibbs Hill Light House
Looking towards Hamilton. The two smokestacks to the left are BELCO. The big pink building is the Hamilton Princess. On a normal day, there would be a couple of cruise ships in this photo.
HAMILTON from Gibbs Hill Light House

Looking towards Hamilton. The two smokestacks to the left are BELCO. The big pink building is the Hamilton Princess. On a normal day, there would be a couple of cruise ships in this photo.

Harbor Nights on Front Street Pre-Fabian
Harbor Nights on Front Street Pre-Fabian
A hurricane special
A hurricane special
Coffee before work
Coffee before work
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