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Jason Smith | all galleries >> Projects and Hobbies >> Beer Brewing >> Setup Version 2.0 (Codename "Brewflex") >> Electrical > Control Panel
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Control Panel

What's a brewery without at least one control panel? We upgraded our security system at the office a while back. I was poking around up in the ceiling doing some other work when I came across an enclosure from the old system that was no longer in use. I had been eyeballing them on eBay for several days, so this was fortunate timing. My boss likes my beer (or is at least very polite if not) and was standing there when I found it. He already knew I had been on a scavenger hunt for several weeks for bits and pieces, so I barely had to ask. :) Looks like it is a 12v/24v DC converter... I'll have to find some 12/24v bells and whistles to throw into the mix.

Canon EOS 20D
1/80s f/5.0 at 45.0mm iso800 full exif

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