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January Grey | all galleries >> Galleries >> Artistically Speaking > Hearts & Flowers
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Hearts & Flowers

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slhoornstra02-Mar-2012 02:53
Never looked prettier! V
Jean D12-Feb-2012 02:22
Beautiful artwork with such vivid colors. Well done, January. ~V
lou_rozensteins11-Feb-2012 23:53
Lovely lighthearted work. Well done.
Karen Stuebing11-Feb-2012 22:45
A cheerful and uplifting art work. The colors are so vibrant, they sing. V.
Mike H.11-Feb-2012 21:44
Creative and lovely, January!
Helen Betts11-Feb-2012 21:02
A very cheerful image with wonderful design and color! Lovely work; is this yours? V.
bill friedlander11-Feb-2012 20:56
Very appropriate for Valentine's day. There is magic in those colors and designs. V
David Hobbs11-Feb-2012 20:38
Fabulous art rendering. Cheerful colours. Love it. V
Colin Storey11-Feb-2012 19:28
A wonderful work of art, superb colours. v
malcolm haslam11-Feb-2012 18:59
janescottcumming11-Feb-2012 18:37
Well that brightened up my day! Beautiful. V
Patricia Kay11-Feb-2012 16:42
Wonderful colors and design January...Love it!...BV
Blandine Mangin11-Feb-2012 16:17
lovely ! v
Bryan Murahashi11-Feb-2012 15:55
Beautiful colors for this Valentine's Day image, January. GMV.
Guest 11-Feb-2012 15:08
You make me sing again, such an happy image Jan, love it.
Jim Coffman11-Feb-2012 14:26
A very lovely and very artistic image,January...
Jeff Real11-Feb-2012 14:04
I have never seen a more beautiful visual expression of love's finest season. ~V~
Carl Carbone11-Feb-2012 13:55
Beautiful work! You really have an excellent color sense.
Stephanie11-Feb-2012 13:54
So, so pretty!!! Perfect for Valentine's Day! V :)
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