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Janet Gindlesperger | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> BHS Class of 61 50th Reunion tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

BHS Class of 61 50th Reunion

On Saturday, Nov. 5, 2011, the 1961 Class of Ballinger High School, along with several schoolmates from 1960 and 1962, held our 50th reunion at the Hampton Inn in Fredericksburg, TX. Are we really that old??? Most arrived on Friday, so we were able to spend a lot of time visiting before and after going to dinner at Hondo's. Saturday morning, we gathered in the meeting room at the Hampton Inn at 9AM, visited for a while, then had group photos taken at 11 AM. The rest of the day was spent with more visiting, lunch at various locations, shopping, resting - just whatever we wanted to do. At 5 PM we had a very nice catered barbecue dinner accompanied by a beautiful and delicious "Bearcats" cake. We then enjoyed the show at the Rockbox Theater, presided over by Ballinger's own Russ Hearn and the resident cast, with guest performers, the English Brothers. After the show, we went back to the meeting room at the Hampton Inn and had coffee and more cake! Many thanks to all who attended and especially to all who made it possible - Jane Hampton Hays, Elaine Zappe Clifton, Dorothy Lange Dent and Joanne Dallinger Cheshier, who was invaluable with her local knowledge. Everyone seemed to have a good time and the class of 1962 has invited us all back next year to help them celebrate their 50th. We can do that!

Most of the pictures on here now are mine and Lynda Kerby Gottschalk's. She sent hers to me before I even got home and I have designated hers with (LKG). If any of you have pictures you're willing to share, please send them to me, as I don't have photos of several people.
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Joanne Dallinger, Mary Carpenter, ?blur, and Tip Lee
Joanne Dallinger, Mary Carpenter, ?blur, and Tip Lee
Mary Ann Havlak Lee, Tip Lee
Mary Ann Havlak Lee, Tip Lee
Hanging out in the lobby
Hanging out in the lobby
One of the centerpieces
One of the centerpieces
Another view in Hondo's
Another view in Hondo's
Another Dinner at Hondo's
Another "Dinner at Hondo's"
David Brevard and his wife, Betty, at Hondo's
David Brevard and his wife, Betty, at Hondo's
Cliff Watkins and his wife, Janet.  Cliff, you moved!
Cliff Watkins and his wife, Janet. Cliff, you moved!
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