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Family Trip - Rain Forest Express

Family Trip on the Watercare Rain Forest Express

On Sunday June 24th, 2007, some of the family and I had an afternoon in the Waitakers Ranges, Auckland on a small train where we saw close-up all the wonderful native trees, and ferns and plants in the Rain Forest there. And yes, it was very cold and windy, and the heavy rain clouds kept coming over, but I managed to get some photos.

Who was missing?
Dave, Kelsey, Regan, Cam and Sam - "The Cool People," said Cam and Sam from Spain...

By the way, I was there too, only I was holding the camera...

This is the blurb from Watercare who run the service:,

The Rain Forest Express

Just 40 minutes from central Auckland, you can embark on a wilderness adventure aboard Watercare's Rain Forest Express, a narrow-gauge railway located deep in the heart of the Waitakere Ranges. You will be taken over wooden bridges that span valleys lined with ancient forest, and pass through tunnels lit at night with a multitude of Glowworms and housing the odd Cave Weta!. Your adventure culminates in a visit to one of Auckland's hidden treasures, the Upper Nihotupu Dam, where the silence of the bush belies the closeness of the city.

There wearere Ten pipeline tunnels and nine bridges. During the journey your train driver will tell the story of the Rain Forest Express from its role in building the dams which now help to sustain Auckland, through to its use today.

Arriving at Jacobsons Depot
Arriving at Jacobsons Depot
Wayne and Caleb
Wayne and Caleb
Wayne and Caleb
Wayne and Caleb
NZ Flax and bush
NZ Flax and bush
Last of us arriving
Last of us arriving
Last of us arriving
Last of us arriving
Last of us arriving
Last of us arriving
NZ Fern
NZ Fern
NZ Fern
NZ Fern
NZ Fern
NZ Fern
NZ Fern aging so beautifully
NZ Fern aging so beautifully
Zach and Caleb
Zach and Caleb
Marianne and Wayne
Marianne and Wayne
Uncle Allen teasing the boys
Uncle Allen teasing the boys
Not that camera again!!
Not that camera again!!
Chan, Al and Molly
Chan, Al and Molly
Waitakeres Train Driver.jpg
Waitakeres Train Driver.jpg
Boys poking their tongues out at Aunti Carli
Boys poking their tongues out at Aunti Carli
Boys teasing Aunty Carli
Boys teasing Aunty Carli
Boys teasing Aunty Carli
Boys teasing Aunty Carli
Hannah squashed in!
Hannah squashed in!
Molly and Aunty Carli
Molly and Aunty Carli
Phil and Zach
Phil and Zach
Phil and Zach
Phil and Zach
Phil and Zach
Phil and Zach
Our Watercare Train
Our Watercare Train
View to the Manukau Harbour
View to the Manukau Harbour
The Train Stopped on the Bridge
The Train Stopped on the Bridge
Stopping on the Bridge
Stopping on the Bridge
pping on the Bridge
pping on the Bridge
pping on the Bridge
pping on the Bridge
The bridge
The bridge
The bridge and pipeline
The bridge and pipeline
Tall Tree Ferns
Tall Tree Ferns
Tall Tree Ferns, before the rain
Tall Tree Ferns, before the rain
Tall Tree Ferns, before the rain
Tall Tree Ferns, before the rain
Trees on the skyline
Trees on the skyline
Charli at 10 weeks
Charli at 10 weeks
Charli at 10 weeks
Charli at 10 weeks
Aunti Carli and Charli
Aunti Carli and Charli
Aunti Carli, Charli and Julie in the little train
Aunti Carli, Charli and Julie in the little train
View over the hills
View over the hills
Kiokio Fern
Kiokio Fern
Rain Forest Express
Rain Forest Express
Waitakeres MAP of our Train Journey
Waitakeres MAP of our Train Journey
Tree ferns and grey sky
Tree ferns and grey sky
Tree ferns and grey sky
Tree ferns and grey sky
Bush walk
Bush walk
Bush walk
Bush walk
Back from their Bush walk
Back from their Bush walk
Marianne leading the way
Marianne leading the way
Allen, Hannah and Chantelle
Allen, Hannah and Chantelle
Allen and Chantelle and Molly - all wet
Allen and Chantelle and Molly - all wet
Wayne and Phil
Wayne and Phil
Caleb and Wayne
Caleb and Wayne
Phil and Charli
Phil and Charli
Phil and Charli
Phil and Charli
The train engine
The train engine
Allen talking to Charli
Allen talking to Charli
Charli smiling at Uncle Allen
Charli smiling at Uncle Allen
Julie and Charli
Julie and Charli