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Jose Paulo Andrade | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Chess Board > The beheaded King
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The beheaded King

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shatterbug02-Jan-2011 22:08
Ah, the drama...fantastic concept and composition!
Barry S Moore09-Nov-2009 23:05
Ouch. An expensive break to replace a singel chess piece too! ~V~
Guest 29-Mar-2008 19:11
Stunning !
Marc Demoulin18-Jun-2007 19:39
Excellent Jose Paulo.
Guest 24-Jun-2006 14:31
the end!
great idea and photo.
Martin Doheny25-Apr-2006 14:34
True Concept!
David Friedl01-Apr-2006 13:11
This is my favorite you have some really great pictures
Mónica Spínola 17-Feb-2006 07:14
This is an amazing shot, as the others, but the red one in this one is so impressive, the creativity is excellent...really wonderful work!
Muthu Vinayagam08-Feb-2006 16:56
Stunning. I love this one very much than the others. Overall it is a great collection. Thanks for sharing.
Matthew Lofton02-Feb-2006 13:48
I love this shot. Very original.
Guest 14-Jan-2006 19:30
veni, vidi, victus sum :)
Mattias Backström10-Jan-2006 23:15
Wow....this is a true piece of art :) I hope the white King wasn't expensive, and that you've gotten a new one now.
rrbraga 09-Jan-2006 14:02
implesmente espetacular esta composição. Parabens
Nick Vivian08-Jan-2006 10:49
interesting shot... well executed.. so to speak !
Günter Hofstädter29-Dec-2005 00:07
excellent ! Love the shadow beyond the black field !
Guest 28-Dec-2005 05:04
wow...very creative and wonderful lighting!
Guest 26-Oct-2005 18:07
Fantastic image, I love those colours on the chess board!
Guest 26-Oct-2005 10:33
Nice concept, but a chess purist might wonder how the white King came to be beheaded (assuming that being beheaded is akin to being mated), seeing as it can't have been mated by the black King.
Guest 25-Oct-2005 22:46
interesting interpretation