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James Clarke | profile | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Travel >> Japan Apr 05 >> Tsurumai Park tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tsurumai Park

Ritsuko and I had a few hours to kill before we could meet our friend Yoko, so on Yoko's advice we went to Tsurumai Park. It is a very European style park, that apparently was build for an Expo of sorts back in the late 19th century (and we were in Nagoya for World Expo 2005).

Just for something a little different I've decided to post some Black & White conversions of some of the original colour shots, but I've included all of the colour shots as a comparision.

Fountain (B&W)
Fountain (B&W)
Blossom almost over
Blossom almost over
Blossom almost over (B&W)
Blossom almost over (B&W)
Nagoya University Hospital
Nagoya University Hospital
Nagoya University Hospital (B&W)
Nagoya University Hospital (B&W)
Ritsuko in the Park
Ritsuko in the Park
Under the Sakura
Under the Sakura
Under the Sakura (B&W)
Under the Sakura (B&W)
More Tulips
More Tulips
More Tulips (B&W)
More Tulips (B&W)
Hanami (B&W)
Hanami (B&W)
White on Blue
White on Blue
The Gazebo
The Gazebo
The Gazebo (B&W)
The Gazebo (B&W)