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James Clarke | profile | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Travel >> Singapore Jan 06 >> Singapore Zoo tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Singapore Zoo

Photos from our visit to Singapore zoo on 03/01/2006

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Barbary Sheep
Barbary Sheep
A pair of Barbary Sheep
A pair of Barbary Sheep
What's over there?
What's over there?
Feeding Zebras
Feeding Zebras
A Passing Giraffe
A Passing Giraffe
Giraffe Portrait
Giraffe Portrait
A Pair of Giraffes
A Pair of Giraffes
Just another day
Just another day
Elephant Statue
Elephant Statue
A Closeup of a Christmas Tree Flower
A Closeup of a Christmas Tree Flower
Turn around please
Turn around please
I need more telephoto!
I need more telephoto!
Done with the handy cam
Done with the handy cam
Singapore Orchid
Singapore Orchid