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3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST

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last updated 3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST

PBase is temporarily unavailable

3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST

PBase is temporarily unavailable. The database is coming back from a reboot and pages will be slow to load as everything gets loaded back up.

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Slug and The PBase Team

last updated 3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST
Reaching for the Sky photo - James Clarke photos at pbase.com
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James Clarke | all galleries >> New Galleries >> My Garden > Reaching for the Sky
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18-Jan-2020 James L Clarke

Reaching for the Sky

Perth, Western Australia

I'm not sure what kind of tree this is, but sure does attract birds, especially when the long seed pods are ripe. I think we had more of these years ago, but they probably got replaced by the tenants during the time were we in Japan, or maybe we removed them before that.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Zoltán Balogh12-Jan-2023 19:29
Magnificent capture, James! V
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