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Japan highlights

The very best of winter wildlife in Japan. Images taken on Kyushu and Hokkaido, February-March 2016. ŠJames Lowen, 2016
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
Red-crowned Crane
White-naped Crane
White-naped Crane
White-naped Crane
White-naped Crane
Hooded Crane
Hooded Crane
Hooded Crane
Hooded Crane
Hooded Crane
Hooded Crane
Arasaki crane sanctuary
Arasaki crane sanctuary
Steller's Sea Eagle_0220
Steller's Sea Eagle_0220
Steller's Sea Eagle_9862
Steller's Sea Eagle_9862
Steller's Sea Eagle_0341
Steller's Sea Eagle_0341
Eagle-watching at Rausu
Eagle-watching at Rausu
Steller's Sea Eagle_0268
Steller's Sea Eagle_0268
Steller's Sea Eagle_1901
Steller's Sea Eagle_1901
Steller's Sea Eagle_2104
Steller's Sea Eagle_2104
White-tailed Eagle_9814
White-tailed Eagle_9814
White-tailed Eagle_8933
White-tailed Eagle_8933
White-tailed Eagle_8655
White-tailed Eagle_8655
White-tailed Eagle_8425
White-tailed Eagle_8425
White-tailed Eagle_1746
White-tailed Eagle_1746
Eagles fighting_2075
Eagles fighting_2075
Eagles fighting_2017
Eagles fighting_2017
Eagles fighting_1974
Eagles fighting_1974
Eagle-watching at Furen_1611
Eagle-watching at Furen_1611
Black(-eared) Kite
Black(-eared) Kite
Black-faced Spoonbill_6688
Black-faced Spoonbill_6688
Blakiston's Fish Owl
Blakiston's Fish Owl
Blakiston's Fish Owl
Blakiston's Fish Owl
Blakiston's Fish Owl
Blakiston's Fish Owl
Blakiston's Fish Owl
Blakiston's Fish Owl
Ural Owl
Ural Owl
Gull-watching at Rausu
Gull-watching at Rausu
Slaty-backed Gull_9403
Slaty-backed Gull_9403
Glaucous Gull_3029
Glaucous Gull_3029
Red-flanked Bluetail_0167
Red-flanked Bluetail_0167
Ruyuku Minivet
Ruyuku Minivet
Red-billed Leiothrix
Red-billed Leiothrix
Forest Wagtail_0988
Forest Wagtail_0988
Marsh Tit (ssp hensoni)
Marsh Tit (ssp hensoni)
Eurasian Nuthatch
Eurasian Nuthatch
Dusky Thrush
Dusky Thrush
Asian Rosyfinch
Asian Rosyfinch
Pallas's Rosefinch
Pallas's Rosefinch
Yellow-throated Bunting_0728
Yellow-throated Bunting_0728
Meadow Bunting
Meadow Bunting
Grey Bunting_1056
Grey Bunting_1056
Red Fox, hunting on sea ice
Red Fox, hunting on sea ice
Red Fox_3872
Red Fox_3872
Red Fox_3857
Red Fox_3857
Japanese Sable_6603
Japanese Sable_6603