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James Lowen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> UK wildlife tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

UK wildlife

Photographs of wildlife from the UK. All images are owned by and copyright of James C. Lowen ©2005-18. Download and/or use of images is strictly prohibited without written consent. I am represented by FLPA ( and by Alamy. High resolution copies are also available for direct sale. Contact for details. I have written four books about British wildlife: 52 Wildlife Weekends (2013), the award-winning A Summer of British Wildlife (2016), Badgers (2016) and hedgehogs (2018). Have a flick through the galleries about them!
UK birds
:: UK birds ::
UK moths
:: UK moths ::
UK butterflies
:: UK butterflies ::
UK dragons & damsels
:: UK dragons & damsels ::
UK orchids & other flowers
:: UK orchids & other flowers ::
UK reptiles & amphibians
:: UK reptiles & amphibians ::
UK mammals
:: UK mammals ::
UK other invertebrates
:: UK other invertebrates ::
UK marine creatures
:: UK marine creatures ::
UK fungi
:: UK fungi ::
UK fish
:: UK fish ::
52 wildlife weekends - the book
:: 52 wildlife weekends - the book ::
Badgers - the book
:: Badgers - the book ::
A Summer of British Wildlife - the book
:: A Summer of British Wildlife - the book ::