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Antarctic wildlife: a visitor's guide

Some sample pages from my forthcoming visitor's guide to Antarctic wildlife, published by WILDGuides and Princeton University Press in April 2011. To order, visit (UK) or (US) or use Amazon. Reviews: "ideal guide for the first-time visitor... the moment you pick up this book it feels good... exceedingly well-chosen images... buy it and then start saving for your trip!" (Birdwatch); "If you have already experienced the Antarctic, then after reading James Lowen’s visitors’ guide, you will be packing your bags and booking your next visit. If you haven’t been there before, you will still be packing your bags and booking your visit. It’s as simple as that. ... a clean, concise and very practical guide... a refreshing view of this fascinating continent. Even if you are not planning on a visit any day soon, get it on your bookshelf for that rainy day..." David Lindo, Bird Watching magazine; "... does the job admirably... stunning colour plates... texts detailed and yet written in an easy-to-read and interesting way..." (World Birdwatch); "a comprehensive field guide for anyone taking a cruise to the Antarctic... a window offering a view of the southern end of the world... breathes life into the abstract concept of Antarctica's vast ice fields and rocky coasts... By revealing [Antarctica's] treasures, Lowen reminds us why even the most remote places on Earth are worth defending." (Yahoo News); "definitive identification guide... easy-to-use... one-of-a kind guide... must-have guide for those visiting Antarctica!" (; "an eminently practical, accurate, useable and indispensable field guide - perfect to bring on your Antarctic cruise... a complete and handy travel-companion for the avid wildlife watcher... this little gem is rapidly becoming a favorite... little powerhouse of a guide... deserves a place on the shelf of every wildlife enthusiast. Don't leave home without it!" (National Examiner); "This book joins a short list of good quality guides that concentrates on the Antarctic region... hundreds of superb illustrations... If you are headed far, far south, you will certainly want to have this attractive, informative, and handy book with you ..." (Avian Review); "this handy ID guide [is] a timely aid to everyone venturing into the Southern Oceans... a truly comprehensive guide... Essential for anyone visiting the area." (BTO News); "takes a quite different approach from that of all previous guides to the area... high-quality photographic images, skilfully arranged... for those with a general interest in natural history and wanting a small guide, the book succeeds admirably..." (British Birds); "a fantastic guide... rich in photography - the penguin behaviour gallery is a joy" (Birds); "glorious full-colour photos... this book works just as well for the armchair traveler as for the hearty explorer" (Washington Post); "one of the most unique field guides I’ve come across... extremely user-friendly manner... I now want to go to Antarctica more than ever! And if (hopefully, when) I go, it will not be without this book... required reading for any cruise-based visitor to the great white continent" (The Birder's Library); "Recommended for either the real-world or armchair traveler interested in the natural history of the Antarctic. ... " (Library "an excellent field guide, well laid out with photos and easy-to-access information. . . . It will definitely accompany me on my next trip to Antarctica. " (Luxury Travel Review)

Antarctic wildlife - book published March 2011
Antarctic wildlife - book published March 2011
Review on The Guardian website
Review on The Guardian website
Review in BIRDWATCH magazine
Review in BIRDWATCH magazine
Review in WORLD BIRDWATCH magazine
Review in WORLD BIRDWATCH magazine
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