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John Martini | profile | all galleries >> Alcatraz Island >> Alcatraz graffiti tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Alcatraz graffiti

The following images show graffiti on Alcatraz Island left behind by federal penitentiary convicts and U.S. Army prisoners. Many of these carvings are found in the "dark" cells on the top tier of A Block, carved into the floors near ventilation holes in the doors that allowed a small amounts of light to trickle in. These cells appear to have been used extensively for housing BOP inmates prior to the completion of modern "D Block" in 1941.
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A Block, Cell 48 -- HL Myer  C. Cole #535 Dec. 1, 40
A Block, Cell 48 -- "HL Myer" "C. Cole #535 Dec. 1, 40"
A Block, Cell 23 -- 546  158
A Block, Cell 23 -- "546" "158"
A Block, Cell 23 -- 5-5-46  633  705
A Block, Cell 23 -- "5-5-46" "633" "705"
A Block, Cell 23 -- DAYS  553 10-17-41
A Block, Cell 23 -- "DAYS" "553" "10-17-41"
A Block, Cell 23 -- Hell Broke Luce 5/5/46
A Block, Cell 23 -- "Hell Broke Luce 5/5/46"
A Block, Cell 43 -- ALCAT and enless tick marks
A Block, Cell 43 -- "ALCAT" and enless tick marks
A Block, Cell 43 -- Hymie  and a cartoon head
A Block, Cell 43 -- "Hymie" and a cartoon head
A Block, Cell 44 --  540
A Block, Cell 44 -- "540"
Guardhouse ditch, convict changing room -- BOP cons' message
Guardhouse ditch, convict changing room -- BOP cons' message
Shower room wall message
Shower room wall message
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