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Alcatraz graffiti

The following images show graffiti on Alcatraz Island left behind by federal penitentiary convicts and U.S. Army prisoners. Many of these carvings are found in the "dark" cells on the top tier of A Block, carved into the floors near ventilation holes in the doors that allowed a small amounts of light to trickle in. These cells appear to have been used extensively for housing BOP inmates prior to the completion of modern "D Block" in 1941.
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A Block, Cell 34  -- NO NO NO NO NO
A Block, Cell 34 -- "NO NO NO NO NO"
A Block, Cell 26 -- Fuck Stucker
A Block, Cell 26 -- "Fuck Stucker"
A Block, Cell 48 -- Bill Wright 1-5-41 Prendergast 1-1-41 HL Meyer Tex Sandy Okla Kid
A Block, Cell 48 -- "Bill Wright 1-5-41" "Prendergast 1-1-41" "HL Meyer Tex" "Sandy Okla Kid"
Guardhouse ditch -- 16593  Anonymous military convict
Guardhouse ditch -- "16593" Anonymous military convict
Dungeon -- 11461  Philip Grosser, army prisoner, WWI Conscientious Objector
Dungeon -- "11461" Philip Grosser, army prisoner, WWI Conscientious Objector
Dungeon -- 10604 & 10409 Anonymous military convicts
Dungeon -- "10604" & "10409" Anonymous military convicts
Citdel -- Schlitte 18 month and a ...  Military convict
Citdel -- "Schlitte 18 month and a ..." Military convict
Citadel -- pencilled graffiti probably left by 19th century soldiers
Citadel -- pencilled graffiti probably left by 19th century soldiers
Citadel -- Liberty banner, flags and torso
Citadel -- Liberty banner, flags and torso
Citadel -- Jas. J. Lafferty 10554 3 years - 1917  Military convict
Citadel -- "Jas. J. Lafferty 10554 3 years - 1917" Military convict
Citadel -- H.J. Kneek June 1906 1909 April  Military convict?
Citadel -- "H.J. Kneek June 1906 1909 April" Military convict?
Citadel -- Harry Thomas 3rd Co DBG - 1920  Army prison guard of 3rd Company, Disciplinary Barracks Guard
Citadel -- "Harry Thomas 3rd Co DBG - 1920" Army prison guard of 3rd Company, Disciplinary Barracks Guard
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