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Jakob Ehrensvärd | profile | all galleries >> Trains (mainly from Sweden) >> Present time (SJAB/GC/TGOJ/BV tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Present time (SJAB/GC/TGOJ/BV

With memories from earlier days of Swedish rail, present time shows almost no signs of nostalgia. Railway operations in Sweden has changed considerably the last 20 years and is now an efficient part of the infrastructure. Inevitably, but to some extent boring…
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041101-09.jpg CRW_9961.jpg 041101-02.jpg Pryl.jpg
Ortofta1.jpg CRW_0345.jpg Garsnas.jpg CRW_0279.jpg
Eslov2.jpg MSJ4.jpg LC4S0617.jpg LC4S5946.jpg
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