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Jakob Ehrensvärd | profile | all galleries >> Trains (mainly from Sweden) >> Malmbanan April 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Malmbanan April 2005

Up in the very north, finally the spring has arrived, the snow has started to melt away and the temperature is approaching zero degrees Celsius. Although the weather changes several times a day, from bright sun to dense snowfall, the spring in Lappland is wonderful.

At the ore line "Malmbanan", the new class IORE locomotives have started to dominate the scene and the trusty Dm3s suddenly feels very old and worn. However, as the new Transwerk ore cars ended up in a complete failure, the intended increase in loading weight (80 to 100 metric tons net load) has been postponed and the almost 40 years old Dm3s will be needed for still some time. The newly developed class Uadk ore cars have been put into service, and finally, train sets with a uniform stock can be seen.

New on the scene is also the Narvik based private operator Ofotbanen A/S (OBAS), which provides a morning passenger service from Kiruna to Narvik, which returns in the evening.

Did I hear something like "train pornography"... ? Oh, well... :)
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