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Jakob Ehrensvärd | profile | all galleries >> Trains (mainly from Sweden) >> Lidingöbanan commuter line tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lidingöbanan commuter line

Lidingöbanan from 1911 is a remain from the once large tram network in Stockholm. Starting with a large steel bridge from 1925 at Ropsten, the line extends to the eastern part of the island Lidingö. Having survived death several times, the future of the line looked somewhat bright, until it was again found that the condition of the old bridge from 1925 was dangerously bad. As there is a dispute over the costs for repair, it is now somewhat unknown if the bridge will be closed shortly, which inevitably will endanger the entire line.

The rolling stock is originally from the 1940's, but has been rebuilt and upgraded since then.
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