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Jason Lunas | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Donna Maramba 01-Apr-2009 00:21
Hi there! I saw your gallery from El Nido, Palawan, I went there recently and enjoyed the view, and your photography is very impressive. All photos are magically taken from the one holding the lens! Such a great artist you are. Keep it up.
jubert roldan 20-Feb-2008 12:40
WOW. rock en roll
rache 23-Aug-2006 15:55
Your mom gave me your website ;) I really enjoyed looking at your photo collections... You definitely have an excellent eye for photography. Great Job! Keep it up!
She Lim 08-Jul-2006 10:56
Hello Jayce :D I liked the 3D renderings you created..especially the film canisters!
Nap Apolinario 25-Oct-2005 01:43
One of the best galleries I've seen! Rarely do I see photographers who can shoot great sceneries, close-ups (animate and inanimate), and people all at the same time! Keep it up!
Wendel Barrs ( Lopez ) 17-Sep-2005 21:16
Wonderful photos, you really have captured some the essence of these wonderful locations and bring the viewer the entire aura of these mystical destinations. I was born in the Phillipines but left at the age of 7 years of age. I have been back a couple of times and these pictures have bought all of my fond memories back, Thank you. You would'nt happen to have any pictures of Punta Buluarte, Manila. I noticed you had a few, I would love it if you could send me some stunning shots of the resort. Thanks again.
ryan aizpuru 19-Aug-2005 07:41
insan musta na do u remember me si ryan to pinsan mo galing bacolod ganda ng mga pics mo wala akong masabi he he he
Guest 12-Jul-2005 08:09
I surfed further to your galleries and you have an eye for photography - keep up shooting!
k 24-May-2005 05:03
wow, who are you and where did you come from? ;)

seriously though, those shots are amazing. and you've been EVERYWHERE! amazingamazingamazing. and you look young, too. so good luck and more power!
Guest 22-Apr-2005 01:46
I may not leave my sit to travel the whole world. Good job Jason!
Johanna Sy 12-Apr-2005 04:51
The sceneries were superb! I love it, nice shots..... Keep up the good work dude!
bunyoy 09-Apr-2005 07:58
Jason Lunas is a Filipino Artist to be proud of!
Guest 03-Apr-2005 17:41
your gallery is great!! definately one of my faves here at made philippines stand out =D just amazing..
Randu01-Aug-2004 16:02
Your pics are GOOD!
Guest 04-Sep-2003 10:28
Browsing among the galleries of my fellow Filipino photographers, I stumbled upon this gallery. Truly amazing! I love the Boracay shots, wonderful sunsets, beaches and clear blue water!