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Jaime González | all galleries >> Galleries >> Interiors > Hotel Peña del Alba (Arroyomolinos de la Vera)
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May 2006 Jaime González

Hotel Peña del Alba (Arroyomolinos de la Vera)

Canon IXUS 50

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Wenche Aune14-Aug-2010 05:12
Beautiful image. V
María Cano27-Jun-2010 10:13
A veces, sólo a veces, las mejores fotos se consiguen con una compacta .. Aparte del tratamiento, que es fabuloso y le da un aire mágico, estoy convencida de que la luz es la clave de esta magnífica foto .. -VBV-
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)27-Jun-2010 08:25
My fav! V
cits_4_pets19-Sep-2009 03:35
Looks like a painting, nice tones and light. Excellent!!!
H2M22-Jul-2009 08:45
Brilliant work with light and colors. Love the processing. BV
Barbara Heide11-Feb-2009 11:56
great effect! v
J Ponces09-Feb-2009 18:54
Fabulous effect, for a outstanding photo!
Nick Arena14-Aug-2008 06:48
Fantastic the treatment and colours..V
Guest 26-Feb-2008 17:50
Love this image. Soft and calming
Jeroen Bosman17-Feb-2008 20:00
great work, very special, makes me want to book the room! v.
Bernd Koenemann17-Feb-2008 12:17
Amazing glow!
Emad Omar15-Feb-2008 20:45
well done
Guest 30-Jan-2008 03:48
Love the colour palette on this image! Reminds me of a VanGogh painting. Beautiful work! (Miriam)
Carolyn Rasmussen20-Jan-2008 19:06
Superb treatment! Just wonderful. Lovely glow about the entire image. V
Barbara Heide11-Jan-2008 11:20
brilliant treatment! gorgeous colours and mood! v
H. P. Henriksen Starman04-Jan-2008 23:02
Fantastic rework. The colours and plasticity. v.
Guest 31-Dec-2007 17:27
wonderful treatment, is it HDR, it's super.
monil29-Dec-2007 21:37
A great picture and good treatment. v
robst29-Dec-2007 13:33
nice effect, how did you get it?v
Kiriakos Korakis29-Nov-2007 06:38
An incredible image !
V !!!
Esther Pérez08-Nov-2007 18:46
Como te decía, me encanta. En el privado te pregunto, además, cómo haces esos efectos... yo no edito mis fotos y no tengo ni idea de qué programas/posibilidades hay. Pero el efecto que has conseguido en esta imagen (y en otras de esta galería) es precioso.
Esther Pérez08-Nov-2007 18:45
Como los cuadros de E. Hopper. Muy bonita.
globalgadabout07-Nov-2007 18:13
masterful treatment...the room glows with light and colour
pep12-Aug-2007 18:29
Indeed spectacular! Vote.
Maxim Popykin02-Jul-2007 12:24
fantastic colors! Well done! Voted
12329-Jun-2007 01:30
O'man this is just plain wonderful!!! Wow! Wow! VOTED BIG TIME.
Guest 27-Jun-2007 15:18
Love the colors and the effect you have been able to achieve here, V
silvia marmori25-Jun-2007 13:40
que buen efecto,jaime!.. has usado photomatix?
Aivar Mikko12-Jun-2007 16:33
Very nice Like painting. V.
Sue Robertson28-May-2007 01:18
I do love this. An abstract painted effect. And yes I too would love to know what is involced in this creation :).. v
t t27-May-2007 19:38
this is dreamy, nice colors
Cheryl12-Jan-2007 20:45
I find this very interesting. can you tell me more about the technique you used?..very artsy. very well done.
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