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Jadwiga | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Odd Lot tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

august | mothers_day | old_saybrook | 4quarter | Face Value | Grounds for Sculpture | My Paintings | Art by Family Members and Friends | Photographic impressions | Art Scene Trenton | Vermont | Spring | May 2007 | NEW YORK CITY | Autumn | White City Marsh | Gdynia | Leszek | Paris | Poland 2007 by C. J. | Milwaukee | North Carolina | Odd Lot | Reunion | Beech Tree & Gardens B & B | Milford | Park | Flowers | be_present | Ferry | agape | Jan 2009 | Princeton | Annie's Bridal Shower | Seagirt | 2011_-_1

Odd Lot

A Day in the Country... Peachy tomatoes.jpg From the farm to the table
Come inside At Easter g3/57/660457/3/101804910.oUd4fzWF.jpg g3/57/660457/3/102350824.ZyEMDr0g.jpg
g3/57/660457/3/102350826.oWLX1YNj.jpg g3/57/660457/3/102350828.eOYa1I1u.jpg P. Wanda at the shore Tootsie
g3/57/660457/3/102351131.bFlykrGV.jpg Spatz posing Vermont painting
Vermont g3/57/660457/3/102355947.ytGxmyx8.jpg g3/57/660457/3/102355950.3DNEQdEh.jpg H. S. Friends
it's getting late g1/57/660457/3/93740003.akhfXyvl.jpg