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Julian Williams | all galleries >> Julian Williams's Galleries >> Old Jacksonville, Ga.- Where History Lives > Indians Attack Woodson Family, Kin Of Willcoxes
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Indians Attack Woodson Family, Kin Of Willcoxes

The Indians killed Dr. John Woodson, who they had called out under the pretense of having him treat some illness. They attacked the house but Sarah Woodson killed two with boiling water and a roasting spit and schoolmaster Ligon killed seven with an eight feet long muzzleloader. Year - 1644, Virginia.

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Julian Williams08-Jan-2002 03:50
Post-note: The Woodson family had direct descendant lines to the Willcoxes and kin around Jacksonville, Ga., and direct lines to Jesse Woodson James, famous outlaw, and to Dolley Madison, wife of James Madison, fourth President of the United States. So, Jacksonville, Ga., has cousins of Jesse and Dolley residing there, even to this day.