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Jack Surran | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lower Manhattan and Governor's Island > American Indian Museum / Customs House
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American Indian Museum / Customs House

All images Copyright Jack Surran Photography 2006.

FujiFilm FinePix S3 Pro ,Nikon 17-55 f2.8
1/90s f/4.8 at 48.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Mark Axelrod 27-Sep-2006 18:20
Jack - Great shot of a great sculpture adorning a great building. The building was designed by Cass Gilbert, the same guy who designed the US Supreme Court Building and one of my NYC favorites, the exquisite Woolworth Building. The father of a close friend of mine and Fran (since our college days) was for 25 years the chief custodian at the Old Customs House. I must say he did a fine job of caring for it. The wedding day shot you recently did for us is now hanging on our living room wall. Good job!!
Mark Axelrod
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