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John S. Nasche | all galleries >> Galleries >> Your Favorites - 10,000 to 29,999 Hits > The Sprite with Two Faeries
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The Sprite with Two Faeries

Tallahassee / Quincy, Florida

I apologize for submitting you Dear Viewers to another Faery Photograph. (Well, Dylan is actually a Sprite, not a Faery.) In fact, I wasn’t even going to put it up as my PAD offering for the day. But this particular image was the most complicated and involved transformation I’ve ever done, and it took almost four evenings of work to get it just right. Every blade of grass was painstakingly cut in, the two little Faeries, Alex and Sarah were lit up with glows like fireflies, and by the time I was finished I was taxing the limit of my new computer with 18 open layers of images before I blended them all together. In my opinion, this is the best and the most beautiful transformation I’ve ever done! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.

The entire collection of Faeries can be found here in my “Faeries, Sprites & Elves” Gallery.

On a personal note, tomorrow I receive the second of three injections in my back to help relieve the pain. I’m now up to 120 milligrams of morphine a day just to hold it at bay. Hopefully, it will help tremendously and finally give me some release from the agony I’ve been in. If you’re inclined to pray, say a short one for me. If you don’t pray, wish me luck.

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Canon EOS 350D
1/100s f/13.0 at 40.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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John S. Nasche10-Sep-2006 06:30
Actually, the pain has subsided a bit. Thanks for asking!
Guest 09-Sep-2006 22:10
Your gallery is a delight
How are you able to attract these creatures?
Sadly, I don't think there are too many left in the area I live...
Thanks for the beauty.
How is your back?
Rich Westfall24-Aug-2006 03:13
For some reason, I never find anything like this when I'm in the garden. Good photo.
Guest 24-Aug-2006 00:55
Best one yet John.