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The heart of the Alps of Albania with amazing mountainous landscapes, isolated stunning valleys, ancient traditions and pagan legends.

Valbona Valley is the least known, with remote and spellbinding landscapes, where life has remained virtually unchanged for over a hundred years.

Close to the border with Montenegro – and immortalized by the early 20th century travel writer Edith Durham – this region, contains fold after fold of mountain ranges stretching to infinity, dizzying canyons, ancient beech forests and a fiercely independent but warm-hearted people.

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Valbona Valley
Valbona Valley
Harmonious resting place
Harmonious resting place
Valbona Valley
Valbona Valley
Valbona Valley
Valbona Valley
Valbona Valley
Valbona Valley
On the road
On the road
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Bunkers on retirement
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Traditional costume
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Mr. Bajram Curri
Bajram Curri town
Bajram Curri town
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