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UK Butterflies and Moths

common blue
common blue
speckled wood
speckled wood
Small Skipper
Small Skipper
Meadow Brown with a passenger
Meadow Brown with a passenger
Silver Spotted Skipper
Silver Spotted Skipper
Common Blue
Common Blue
Common Blues
Common Blues
Chalkhill Blue
Chalkhill Blue
Brimstone  Moth
Brimstone Moth
Early Instar of a Fox moth
Early Instar of a Fox moth
Cinnabar Caterpillars on Ragwort
Cinnabar Caterpillars on Ragwort
6 Spot Burnet Moth
6 Spot Burnet Moth
Common Blue
Common Blue
Chalkhill Blue
Chalkhill Blue
Marbled White
Marbled White
Small Heath
Small Heath
Marbled White
Marbled White
Small White warming up
Small White warming up
Small White
Small White
Small Heath
Small Heath
Common Blue
Common Blue
Chalkhill Blue
Chalkhill Blue
Brown Argus
Brown Argus
Brown Argus
Brown Argus
Chalkhill Blue
Chalkhill Blue
Painted Lady
Painted Lady
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Silver Spotted Skipper
Silver Spotted Skipper
Silver Spotted Skipper
Silver Spotted Skipper
Small Skipper
Small Skipper
Common Blue
Common Blue
One Brown Argus and a female Chalkhill Blue
One Brown Argus and a female Chalkhill Blue
Green Hairstreak
Green Hairstreak
Small Blue
Small Blue
Common Blue
Common Blue
Dingy Skipper
Dingy Skipper
Common Blue (female blue form)
Common Blue (female blue form)
Common Blue (female blue form)
Common Blue (female blue form)
Newly hatched Small Blue
Newly hatched Small Blue
true blue
true blue
 spring has sprung
spring has sprung
two small blues mating
two small blues mating
Cinnabar Moth
Cinnabar Moth
Common Blue (female)
Common Blue (female)
Small Skipper
Small Skipper
Chalkhill Blue
Chalkhill Blue
Adonis Blue
Adonis Blue
Chalkhill Blue
Chalkhill Blue
Dark Green fritillary
Dark Green fritillary
Dark Green fritillary
Dark Green fritillary
body detail
body detail
Brimstone Head on
Brimstone Head on
Brimstone and bugs
Brimstone and bugs
Speckled Wood
Speckled Wood
dingy skipper
dingy skipper
Small blue
Small blue
g4/88/542488/3/145111853.OZGAW44D.jpg g4/88/542488/3/145111974.XCMySjx3.jpg