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Isabel Cutler | all galleries >> Galleries >> "PBlog" > DSC03090 Golden Oldie from 5 megapixels..
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DSC03090 Golden Oldie from 5 megapixels..

Crop representing about 1/3 of the original picture content.
the Sony DSC F717 is one heck of a camera that's always been a favorite of mine.

I recently had to buy two new batteries because the older ones had lost their ability to hold a charge. I hope to keep them going by grabbing a shot every now and then.

By the way, this is the 2nd go round for the picture numbering.

Don't forget your older cameras and the excitement you experienced when they first got into your eager hands. They still can please you.

Sorry about the overdone framing, but that's the result of the gallery theme!

Sony Cybershot
1/60s f/2.5 at 48.5mm iso100 (auto ISO) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Rachel Pennington23-Feb-2010 17:17
That camera does a great job. I still use that littly Oly of Brooke's. I hope it lasts forever. :)
Guest 22-Feb-2010 16:15
They are cute to watch.
Guest 22-Feb-2010 15:04
Framing looks fine Isabel. Nice shot of your little bushy tailed friend. I have an old sony laying around here somewhere. I'll have to pick it up and see if I can figure out which one it was.