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Ingo Rautenberg | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

Welcome to my Photo Galleries. I've had the "Photo Bug" since I first visited Africa in 1974 as a young boy. Of course, it didn't get to be a serious hobby until I was in High School and my stint as assistant photography editor for the school yearbook. Now I shoot almost exclusively in Digital and must say, I don't miss the traditional darkroom and chemicals at all.

Most images have been downsampled for web display purposes, as the original images are quite large. For optimal viewing, I suggest viewing at "large" or "original" if possible. Feel free to leave comments or vote for my gallery. Above all, Enjoy!
:: Automotive ::
Thunder Over Michigan 2006
:: Thunder Over Michigan 2006 ::
Michigan Challenge Balloonfest 2004
:: Michigan Challenge Balloonfest 2004 ::
:: Creatures ::
Night Shots
:: Night Shots ::
Around Town
:: Around Town ::
Still Life
:: Still Life ::
:: Florals ::
Macro Photography
:: Macro Photography ::
Scenic  Images
:: Scenic Images ::
International Freedom Festival June 23, 2004
:: International Freedom Festival June 23, 2004 ::
Creative Images
:: Creative Images ::
Tree Cutting
:: Tree Cutting ::
Concert Images
:: Concert Images ::