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     I have many good shots of all our ponds, and I will put them in this gallery when I have
     time. Until then, here is a list of some of the South Bay's best ponds for odo's and birds:

          Ogier Ponds, north of Morgan Hill (constant level)
          Oka Percolation Ponds, Los Gatos (variable levels, multiple habitats)
          Picchetti Pond, Picchetti Ranch (dries up in summer)
          MB05 Pond, Monte Bello Open Space Preserve, Gate 5
          Horseshoe Lake and Alpine Pond, Monte Bello Open Space Preserve
          Sobey Pond and Arastradero Lake, Arastradero Preserve
          Providencia Pond, Almaden/Quicksilver County Park (near Guadalupe Reservoir)
          Grant Lake and McCreery Pond, Grant Ranch
          Foothill Lake, Palo Alto
          Sausal Pond, Portola Valley (San Mateo County; all others Santa Clara County)

Foothill Lake
Foothill Lake
Grant Lake, McCreery Pond
Grant Lake, McCreery Pond
Horseshoe Lake
Horseshoe Lake
Monte Bello MB05 Pond
Monte Bello MB05 Pond
Ogier Ponds
Ogier Ponds
Oka Ponds
Oka Ponds
Picchetti Pond
Picchetti Pond
Providencia Pond
Providencia Pond
Sausal Pond
Sausal Pond
Sobey Pond
Sobey Pond