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2019 Underwater

All images taken in the Bonaire National Marine Park, Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

All images Copyright © 2019 Ellen Muller. Please do not use any images without permission.

With special thanks to VIP Diving Bonaire.
Whitefin Sharksucker
Whitefin Sharksucker
Bareye Hermit
Bareye Hermit
Pink Frogfish
Pink Frogfish
Black Brotula
Black Brotula
Banded Coral Shrimp with Eggs
Banded Coral Shrimp with Eggs
Black Brotulas
Black Brotulas
Face Off
Face Off
4 Eels
4 Eels
Eel Friends
Eel Friends
Eel Friends 2
Eel Friends 2
Baby Burrfish
Baby Burrfish
Pink Frogfish
Pink Frogfish
Hairy Triton
Hairy Triton
Spotted Snake Eel
Spotted Snake Eel
Copepod on Wire coral
Copepod on Wire coral
One Winged Flying Gurnard
One Winged Flying Gurnard
Flying Gurnard
Flying Gurnard
Flying Gurnard
Flying Gurnard
Frogfish Yawn
Frogfish Yawn
Popular Hangout
Popular Hangout
Queen Trigger
Queen Trigger
Goldspotted Eel
Goldspotted Eel
Goldspotted Eel
Goldspotted Eel
Good Camouflage
Good Camouflage
Brownstripe Octopus
Brownstripe Octopus
Pink Frog
Pink Frog
Roughback Shrimp
Roughback Shrimp
Ebby's Frog
Ebby's Frog
Frogfish Lure
Frogfish Lure
Mushroom Scorpionfish
Mushroom Scorpionfish
Spawning Fireworms
Spawning Fireworms
Jawfish w/Eggs
Jawfish w/Eggs
Jawfish w/Eggs
Jawfish w/Eggs
Frogfish Pair
Frogfish Pair
Orange Frog
Orange Frog
Smiling Armina
Smiling Armina
Smiling Armina
Smiling Armina
Stripe Eel
Stripe Eel
Smiling Armina
Smiling Armina
Smiling Armina
Smiling Armina
Mating Arminas
Mating Arminas
Froggie & Eel
Froggie & Eel
Moon Snail
Moon Snail
Bareye Hermit
Bareye Hermit
Flying Gurnard
Flying Gurnard
Scaly Tailed Mantis
Scaly Tailed Mantis
Frogfish on Brain
Frogfish on Brain
Frogfish Couple
Frogfish Couple
2 Basket Star Shrimp
2 Basket Star Shrimp
Basket Star Shrimp
Basket Star Shrimp
Basket Star Shrimp
Basket Star Shrimp
Basket Star Shrimp
Basket Star Shrimp
Shorttail Snake Eel
Shorttail Snake Eel
Frog & Crab
Frog & Crab
Basket Star Shrimp
Basket Star Shrimp
Squat Anemone Shrimp
Squat Anemone Shrimp
Basket Star Shrimp
Basket Star Shrimp
Frogfish Sponge
Frogfish Sponge
Frogfish in Sponge
Frogfish in Sponge
Frogfish Perch
Frogfish Perch
Frog Pair
Frog Pair
Frog Pair
Frog Pair
Frogfish Couple
Frogfish Couple
Male Frogfish
Male Frogfish
Frogfish Fight
Frogfish Fight
Three Frogish
Three Frogish
Cyerce cristallina
Cyerce cristallina
Flabellina verta
Flabellina verta
Yellowline Flabellina
Yellowline Flabellina
Cyerce cristallina
Cyerce cristallina
Flaming Anemones
Flaming Anemones
Cyerce cristallina
Cyerce cristallina
Miner Hermit
Miner Hermit
Miner Hermit
Miner Hermit
Miner Hermit
Miner Hermit
Miner Hermit
Miner Hermit
Miner Hermit
Miner Hermit
Stareye & Porcelain
Stareye & Porcelain
Stareye & Friends
Stareye & Friends
Stareye & Friends
Stareye & Friends
Stareye & Friends
Stareye & Friends
2 Stareye Hermits
2 Stareye Hermits
Longlure Frogfish
Longlure Frogfish
Does She See Us?
Does She See Us?
Longlure Frogfish
Longlure Frogfish
Gaudy Clown Crab with Eggs
Gaudy Clown Crab with Eggs
Gaudy Clown Crab with Eggs
Gaudy Clown Crab with Eggs
Gaudy Clown Crab with Eggs
Gaudy Clown Crab with Eggs
Gaudy Clown Crab with Eggs
Gaudy Clown Crab with Eggs
Gaudy Clown Crab with Eggs
Gaudy Clown Crab with Eggs
Cyerce cristallina
Cyerce cristallina
Moray & Lobster
Moray & Lobster
Moray & Lobster
Moray & Lobster
Moray & Lobster
Moray & Lobster
Mating Arrow Crabs
Mating Arrow Crabs
Spoon-nose Eel
Spoon-nose Eel
Chain Moray & Cup Coral
Chain Moray & Cup Coral
Gold-lined Sea Goddess
Gold-lined Sea Goddess
Settling Surgeonfish
Settling Surgeonfish
Ocellate Swimming Crabs
Ocellate Swimming Crabs
Sharptail Eels
Sharptail Eels
Brain Coral Spawning
Brain Coral Spawning
Brain Coral Spawning
Brain Coral Spawning
Brain Coral Spawning
Brain Coral Spawning
Brain Coral Spawning
Brain Coral Spawning
Anemone UV Light
Anemone UV Light
Lettuce Coral UV Light
Lettuce Coral UV Light
Brain Coral UV Light
Brain Coral UV Light
Anemone UV Light
Anemone UV Light
Margined-Bicolored Flatworm
Margined-Bicolored Flatworm
Marbled Moray
Marbled Moray
Orange Pea Crab
Orange Pea Crab
Eel Spawning Aggregation
Eel Spawning Aggregation
Eel Spawning Aggregation
Eel Spawning Aggregation
Eel Spawning Aggregation
Eel Spawning Aggregation
Eel Spawning Aggregation
Eel Spawning Aggregation
Eel Spawning Aggregation
Eel Spawning Aggregation
Sharptail Eels Spawning
Sharptail Eels Spawning
Juvenile Spanish Slipper Lobster
Juvenile Spanish Slipper Lobster
Deepbody Boarfish
Deepbody Boarfish
Common Octopus
Common Octopus
Stingray at Night
Stingray at Night
Mushroom Scorpionfish
Mushroom Scorpionfish
Gold-lined Sea Goddess
Gold-lined Sea Goddess
Gold-lined Sea Goddesses
Gold-lined Sea Goddesses
Gold-lined Sea Goddesses
Gold-lined Sea Goddesses
Octopus Eye
Octopus Eye
Octopus Eye
Octopus Eye
Harlequin Sea Goddess
Harlequin Sea Goddess
Harlequin Sea Goddess
Harlequin Sea Goddess
Sea Goddess and Shrimp
Sea Goddess and Shrimp
Harlequin Sea Goddesses
Harlequin Sea Goddesses
Harlequin Sea Goddess
Harlequin Sea Goddess
Juvenile Glasseye Snapper
Juvenile Glasseye Snapper
Orange Seahorse
Orange Seahorse
Porcelain Crab
Porcelain Crab
Baby Squid
Baby Squid
Baby Reef Squid
Baby Reef Squid
Orange Frogfish
Orange Frogfish
Viper Moray
Viper Moray
Giant Atlantic Pyrams
Giant Atlantic Pyrams
Frogfish Deformity
Frogfish Deformity
Frogfish Deformity
Frogfish Deformity
Ribbon Worm Spawning
Ribbon Worm Spawning
Seahorse & Graysby
Seahorse & Graysby
Brown-lined Paperbubble
Brown-lined Paperbubble
Brown-lined Paperbubble
Brown-lined Paperbubble
Brown-lined Paperbubble
Brown-lined Paperbubble
Brown-lined Paperbubble
Brown-lined Paperbubble
Hydatina physis eggs
Hydatina physis eggs
Hydatina physis eggs
Hydatina physis eggs
Hydatina physis eggs
Hydatina physis eggs
Hydatina physis eggs
Hydatina physis eggs
Hydatina physis eggs
Hydatina physis eggs
Hydatina physis
Hydatina physis
Hydatina physis
Hydatina physis
Hydatina physis
Hydatina physis
Smooth Brittle Star Spawning
Smooth Brittle Star Spawning
Star Coral Spawning
Star Coral Spawning
Flower Coral Spawning
Flower Coral Spawning
Star Coral Eggs
Star Coral Eggs
Honeycomb Cowfish
Honeycomb Cowfish
Sharpnose Puffer
Sharpnose Puffer
Octopus in Conch Shell
Octopus in Conch Shell
Flying Gurnard
Flying Gurnard
Molting Crab
Molting Crab
Apricot Sidegill Slug
Apricot Sidegill Slug
Sea Turtle Refelction
Sea Turtle Refelction
Elkhorn Coral Crab with eggs
Elkhorn Coral Crab with eggs
Magnificent Sea Urchin
Magnificent Sea Urchin
Urhcin & Shrimp
Urhcin & Shrimp
Urchin Detail
Urchin Detail
Regal Sea Goddess
Regal Sea Goddess
Funky Frogfish
Funky Frogfish
Fishing Frogfish
Fishing Frogfish
Purple Frogfish
Purple Frogfish
Orange Frogfish
Orange Frogfish
Sea Horse Side Eye
Sea Horse Side Eye
Female Seahorse
Female Seahorse
Tufted Nudibranch & Eggs
Tufted Nudibranch & Eggs
Pregnant Male Seahorse
Pregnant Male Seahorse
Juvenile Flying Gurnard
Juvenile Flying Gurnard
Juvenile Flying Gurnard
Juvenile Flying Gurnard
Juvenile Flying Gurnard
Juvenile Flying Gurnard
Paper Bubblesnail with Eggs
Paper Bubblesnail with Eggs
Longhorn Austraeolis
Longhorn Austraeolis
Club-tipped Anemone
Club-tipped Anemone
Flower Coral Eggs
Flower Coral Eggs
Anemone & Shrimp
Anemone & Shrimp
Green Turtles Feeding
Green Turtles Feeding
Turtle & Friend
Turtle & Friend
Turtle & Friend
Turtle & Friend
Turtles Feeding
Turtles Feeding
Brittle Star
Brittle Star
Turtle Reflection
Turtle Reflection
Hogfish Eye
Hogfish Eye
Greenbanded Goby
Greenbanded Goby
Parrotfish Smile
Parrotfish Smile
Eel Friends
Eel Friends
Too Big?
Too Big?
Happy Parrotfish
Happy Parrotfish
Sunset Turtle
Sunset Turtle
Flying Gurnard
Flying Gurnard
Spawning Sea Cucumber
Spawning Sea Cucumber
Sgt Major Eggs
Sgt Major Eggs
Fishing Frogfish
Fishing Frogfish
Color & Texture
Color & Texture
Fishing Frogfish
Fishing Frogfish
Medusa Blenny
Medusa Blenny
Parrotfish Bed
Parrotfish Bed
Frogfish & Nudi
Frogfish & Nudi
Petrolisthes caribensis
Petrolisthes caribensis
Petrolisthes caribensis
Petrolisthes caribensis
Atlantic Tun
Atlantic Tun
Atlantic Tun
Atlantic Tun
Atlantic Tun
Atlantic Tun
Misty Grouper
Misty Grouper
Mimic Blenny
Mimic Blenny
Medusa Blenny
Medusa Blenny
Moray & Porcelain Crab
Moray & Porcelain Crab
Juvenile Pleurobranch
Juvenile Pleurobranch
Scorpaena albifimbria
Scorpaena albifimbria
Baby Frogfish
Baby Frogfish
Royal Sea Goddess
Royal Sea Goddess
Scorpaena albifimbria
Scorpaena albifimbria
Eel Eating Eel
Eel Eating Eel
Eel Eating Eel
Eel Eating Eel
Eel Eating Eel
Eel Eating Eel
Eel Eating Eel
Eel Eating Eel
Flounder Eye
Flounder Eye
Crown Cone
Crown Cone
Lobster Dinner
Lobster Dinner
Triangular Cyphoma
Triangular Cyphoma
Tessellated Blenny
Tessellated Blenny
Goldentail Moray
Goldentail Moray
Male Cardinalfish Releasing Young
Male Cardinalfish Releasing Young
Male Cardinalfish Releasing Young
Male Cardinalfish Releasing Young