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Enrico Martinuzzi | all galleries >> Thematic order >> Places >> Other Places > 30.06.2008
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Wiltshire - UK

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Markus Grompe11-Apr-2017 00:02
Milan Vogrin03-Dec-2008 07:55
Very nice compo!V!
monica memoli30-Jun-2008 16:49
Love it! v
Aud Elise Sjøsæther30-Jun-2008 16:19
Just wonderful! Lovely lines and colour! BV
Gilles Navet30-Jun-2008 15:00
Jolie travail sur la profondeur
Guest 30-Jun-2008 09:20
Very interesting image. Indeed, it is yellow. Nice.
Eric Herbelin30-Jun-2008 07:26
splendid! v