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Toon de Smit | all galleries >> Butterflies >> Silver-studded Blue / Heideblauwtje / Plebejus argus > Silver-studded Blue / Heideblauwtje
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24 6 2008

Silver-studded Blue / Heideblauwtje


iso 200 1/25s f16

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 09-Jul-2008 13:22
Great shot!
Yves Rubin06-Jul-2008 16:49
Exquisite macro!!! The soft tones and pose make it stand out from scores of butterfly images. Big vote!
Marc Vermeulen30-Jun-2008 19:09
Heel mooi Toon, prachtig gebracht.
Ted Chappell29-Jun-2008 20:05
Absolutely exquisite. The lighting, composition and sharp focus is 'wow'!