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William G. Mancebo | all galleries >> Galleries >> raising_raider > 6613.jpg
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22-JUN-2008 William G. Mancebo


Dogtor of Barkness.

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Bartosz Kotulski08-Jul-2009 17:45
great cxapture. nice framing an duse of light here. well done
Margaret Lew06-Jul-2009 19:21
Congratulations! Wonderful, almost sinister little dog...
andrewd_za06-Jul-2009 16:48
Wanted to add... Love the title - very creative. ~V
andrewd_za06-Jul-2009 16:47
Absolutley perfect William. Congrats with the runner-up in S&T.
cits_4_pets03-Jul-2009 04:58
cute! He is Bad in those shades. Nice lighting-love how it partially hits his head. vSkipperkee?
Erkan Erdem08-Dec-2008 20:45
This is really a great capture...
Love the shadow...
and of course what a lovely dog...
Bryan Murahashi23-Jun-2008 15:52
Fabulous exposure for this cool pup shot.
shatterbug23-Jun-2008 06:53
Hehe, cool's gone Hollywood :-)