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Early 1960's Bill Bussart - Jim Hill Collect.

1960's - 1957 Chevy wagon and 1958 Chevy Bel Air drag racing at Master's Field, Dade County

Master's Field, Dade County, Florida


"Easy Off The Line - Bob Gittleman waits for the green as he takes on a '58 Chevy Bel Air sedan at Miami's Master's Field drag strip. The deactivated Marine Air Corps field was used as a dragstrip for several years and Gittleman's innocent-looking '57 Chevy wagon won numerous Stock Eliminators during those years. Photo By Bill Bussart - From The Jim Hill Collection

other sizes: small medium original auto
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jerry rand 21-Sep-2012 18:56
my dad set up and maintained all the timing equipment and sound system for sfta for ernie shorb who promoted masters field that trailer in backround i think is the same trailer that ended up as the e t shack at miami hollywood dragway in the early years i used to hand out et slips in late 60s to early 70s till it fell apart i also remember garlits at masters field
A.D Lasseter 29-May-2012 17:18
I was a member of the South Florida Timing Association which most of the guys running it were from a car club called the Road Rebels.
Lee Martines 15-Jul-2011 03:00
Al, while you may be technically correct, I never heard anyone refer to the car as other than "Impala". A buddy and I chased a truck carrier to Luby Chevrolet one night as he was delivering the first 1958 Chevrolets to Miami. First we helped the driver remove the covers from the cars, and on the top row front was a black Impala Coupe that stole my heart. The truck driver allowed us to help him drive the cars into the Luby yard and this was a huge thrill for a couple of 18 year old guys. Two years later I managed to buy a copy of that car, and sure wish I had it now.
Guest 22-Sep-2010 08:36
Lee M. A little "F.Y.I. (if I may). If you 1958 - the Chevrolet Impala, was actually known as a "Bel Air Impala" It was indeed the top-of-the-line full size Chevrolet, but not until 1959 was it seperated from the Bel Air line. Look-it-up....
Thanks & best regards,
AL Zangenberg
Don Boyd13-May-2010 13:55
Thank you gentlemen, I have changed the Delray to Bel Air in the description.

Lee Martines (MEHS '57) 13-May-2010 05:01
The guest is correct; the 1958 Chevy is not a Delray, but a Bel Air model.What used to be the top of the line model was relegated to second in 1958 when the Impala was introduced.
Guest 05-Mar-2010 02:49
Not a Delray....
Phil Kelley 13-Dec-2008 20:21
Man! Now that brings back some memories. Some of these guys had pretty hot cars back then. Garlits came out there one Sunday and smoked the tires all the way to the end. I think he ran about a 7.80. A friend of ours won the eliminator one Sunday with a 55 Ford. The 55 Chevy he was racing had a 409 in it, but kept missing gears. They closed it down after Miami Dragway was built, but most of the street racing was out on Krome Avenue or behind the crazy farm in Pembroke Pines. Wish I could go back there for just one day....