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settler | all galleries >> Galleries >> This And That > Heavy rain at the Oasis central.jpg
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Heavy rain at the Oasis central.jpg

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Dan Spendolini04-Aug-2010 19:56
Mood, muted colors and great composition makes this another settler classic. BV
Jose Canovas05-May-2008 18:36
Illustrated news - excellent!
bill friedlander03-May-2008 18:19
Great shot. I feel wet just looking at this.
Guest 30-Apr-2008 15:03
creative triumph
Paco López29-Apr-2008 18:08
Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VBV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Raphael_E29-Apr-2008 17:15
Could be a song title ! Great capture ! V.
Guenter Eh29-Apr-2008 17:09
An essay of waiting - a photographic painting: beautiful art piece!
Peter Sussex29-Apr-2008 17:06
Artful documentation of the people waiting for the rain to stop. Well done!
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