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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> Places around the world >> Costa Rican Colors > Red eye tree frog flashlight.jpg
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Red eye tree frog flashlight.jpg

Canon EOS-1D Mark III
1/160s f/3.5 at 180.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
dinah saluz15-Nov-2008 10:20
Splendid composition with fabulous light and colours ! V
Yves Rubin08-Nov-2008 22:50
WOW, that is such a great image Peter! Lovely expression and beautiful light. Flash light!? Yes, I can see it but it is hardly believable the outcome is so beautiful. BV!
Raul Quinones03-Jul-2008 00:24
Awesome picture.
john savage13-Jun-2008 00:44
What a great shot. Super nice. V
Guest 05-Jun-2008 02:42
Absolutely perfect! Vote.
Alina04-Jun-2008 01:11
Fantastic shot! Frog’s brown eyes match the leaf color and I like black background too. v
Guest 15-May-2008 05:20
Matthew Mannell01-May-2008 02:13
Brilliant shot, the light is so cool.
Dan Ng25-Apr-2008 04:06
Exceptional close-up, Peter! V.
Pixel Shooter23-Apr-2008 19:17
Luv these guys, P E R F E C T! print it and hang it V
Joanne Kamo23-Apr-2008 07:18
Awesome image, Peter. The detail is really cool in a great setting. V
Tom Munson23-Apr-2008 04:55
Outstanding image Peter. Framed perfect. v
Sandi Whitteker23-Apr-2008 02:06
Absolutely amazing pic Peter!! Wonderfully sharp, beautifully composed, gorgeous rich colors. Where did you find this wonderful and colorful creature?
Guest 23-Apr-2008 00:30
Peter this is such a cool shot.Huge vote
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