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Ilana gil | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flowers in macro > Pomelit flower
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14-APR-2008 Ilana

Pomelit flower

Pomelit = hybrid fruit that is a cross between a pomelo and a grapefruit

Canon PowerShot G7
1/1600s f/2.8 at 7.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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mathilda williams15-Apr-2008 02:45
wonderful colours, very lovely delicate flower.
Jason Anderson15-Apr-2008 00:22
A very rich, gorgeous capture. Love the detail.
Carolyn Rasmussen14-Apr-2008 21:38
Lovely flower!
Guido Hahnraths14-Apr-2008 21:33
great makro, perfect dof.
Phillip Normanton14-Apr-2008 19:15
Doesn't look like a grapefruit ;-) Very nicely lit!
marita toftgard14-Apr-2008 17:17
many flowers today
but that is brilliant
gives me a tiny bit of spring feeling

I am back:)
and I also want to wish you a
wonderful week

Russ Rose14-Apr-2008 15:57
I liked the flower. nice.
Guest 14-Apr-2008 09:17
Lovely, delicate shot. V.
Guest 14-Apr-2008 07:48
I agree with Maire, Ilana. Beautiful!!
Máire Uí Mhaicín14-Apr-2008 07:46
Beautiful macro, with fine delineation of delicate colours.