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Robyco | all galleries >> MODELS >> IRMA > 1444
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Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/125s f/6.3 at 66.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 12-Jul-2008 13:01
Irma rocks! zm
Paradoxal Studio Classic13-May-2008 12:33
Guest 10-May-2008 09:52
Very sexy. zm
Guest 09-May-2008 14:29
Beautiful pose.
Brett Hochkins13-Apr-2008 15:37
so natural. v
mario .n11-Apr-2008 19:13
Nice pose and model ! V
Paco López11-Apr-2008 17:16
Very good pose and shot! V!
monica memoli11-Apr-2008 12:37
Witty pose. v
Fong Lam11-Apr-2008 09:34
Great pose, Rob.
Can't wait to see more of Irma :)
Mihai11-Apr-2008 09:16
Very nice !!! V
Eric Carrčre11-Apr-2008 07:35
Une très jolie pose :)