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silvia marmori | all galleries >> Galleries >> Shells > shell's shelf
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shell's shelf


a weird kind of Murex, at a shelf of the museum, with artificial light.

Nikon D40x
1/13s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 18-Jun-2008 00:43
It's great your work with this light. Love the tonality. V
Galina Stepanova17-Jun-2008 20:59
Impressive still life, you have wonderful passion, Silvia, your shells not only beautiful creations of nature, but also "living characters".
Excellent work!
CIS14-Jun-2008 16:29
What a grouping...good work with the lighting conditions!!
zyziza08-Jun-2008 14:04
outstanding shot! v
Andrew Vincent27-May-2008 11:54
Guest 03-May-2008 11:55
perfect lighting.. beautiful image Sil :) . Our Vote
Kathy Thompson16-Apr-2008 14:30
Beautiful control of light Silvia.
Bill Robinson14-Apr-2008 09:44
Fascinating and the light highlights the beauty.
Jaime González13-Apr-2008 16:45
Silvia, antes de nada, es un placer volver a verte por aquí después de tantos meses.
Preciosa concha marina con una bonita iluminación. -V-
globalgadabout11-Apr-2008 14:38
masterfully made image of this wonderful seems like a glowing presence in a dark sea...V
Carol Rollins11-Apr-2008 12:31
Hi Silvia,
This is beautiful. Wonderful capture of the light and the shell's unique shape. V
Mostafa Moftah11-Apr-2008 11:07
Nice crop..
Robyco11-Apr-2008 07:01
Great how you used the light and the black background !!
Terri Steele11-Apr-2008 01:17
Wonderful composition and colors ;)
Guest 10-Apr-2008 21:53
Very delicate looking shell, nice light!
marie-jose wolff10-Apr-2008 21:50
very fine and luminous composition! V
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