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Mark Hersh | all galleries >> Vacations 2004-2011 >> Guanajuato April 2008 >
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The story of St. Rochus includes him hiding out and a dog helping him by bringing food. Of the statues I've seen of St. Rochus (now 3), this dog is the biggest, and looks like a yellow Lab.

I can't imagine Bailey stealing food and bringing it to me in the woods...

This church also had two crucifixes with a very bloody Christ on each, two statues of the scourged Christ (robe, crown of thorns), one statue of a fallen Christ with the cross, and one of Christ in his tomb. It also had two side altars. It isn't all that large of a church. It was like others the in that (Jen pointed this out to me) there are no stained glass windows and that the windows were very near the top. The insides were bright, but they probably stayed cooler because of no low windows. So with all that wall space there is room for statues and crucifixes.

Canon PowerShot S50
1/2s f/4.9 at 21.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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