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Gary Winters | all galleries >> PAD-itude >> april2008 > 7
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Just keeping her eye on me while she relaxes beside her scratching post.

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/50s f/1.8 at 85.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Robin Reid14-Apr-2008 00:01
Carly sure does stay alert.
Jason Anderson09-Apr-2008 13:32
Don't you wonder sometimes what's so fascinating about us that they can just sit and watch for hours? I think they're trying to figure out what happened to our fur.
At any rate, you really have a sweetie here. :o)
Herb 08-Apr-2008 05:04
She trusts you
snootydog08-Apr-2008 04:20
I don't think she quite knows what to make of you
Doug Kessler08-Apr-2008 03:33
That is one supremely contented kitty! I think you've won her over.
Mindy McNaugher08-Apr-2008 03:19
Sweet portrait! Love the eye contact!
Coleen Perilloux Landry08-Apr-2008 02:58
Awwww, she loves you. I can tell by the look in her eyes.
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