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29-MAR-2008 Miroslav Kral

Honda girls - Miro

Zagreb - Croatia

From curent AUTO SHOW Zagreb

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Miroslav Kral 13-Apr-2008 20:35
Thanks Shirley and Brenda.
Yes they are pretty. I don't know how the bike sales goes because of them, but the crowd around them was really like they (man) newer seen a hostess before, including Me, but I was looking trough the camera :-))
Guest 13-Apr-2008 18:57
They're definitely prettier than I am! Excellent shot of these lovely models. I suspect they help to sell a lot of Hondas.

Shirley Haden04-Apr-2008 23:00
I get the feeling (from all the shots I've seen from the show) that you went to look at pretty girls more then pretty bikes! Well, at least you found a pair dressed in red!