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Lise De Serres | all galleries >> Galleries >> oiseaux_varies_birds_miscellaneous > DSC_3756.jpg
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22-MAR-2008 Lise De Serres


Nikon D300
1/2000s f/5.6 at 420.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
john savage20-Aug-2008 01:59
beautiful tack sharp image. V
jychamberland16-Apr-2008 23:30
tres belle image, réussie.
Milan Vogrin16-Apr-2008 20:47
Great photo! V!
photodocsj16-Apr-2008 01:19
Nice photograph of the American Tree Swallow. Exposure and focus are just perfect! voted photodocsj
Guest 16-Apr-2008 01:16
Beautiful feather designs captured.