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Guenter Eh | all galleries >> STREET PHOTOGRAPHY >> Frankfurt 2008 > Lobby Art_1
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02-APR-2008 Guenter Eh

Lobby Art_1


Artist: Stephan Huber (*1952)
Frankfurt Stairways / XX Century, 1999/2000
Wall Mosaique (detail)
ca. 800x1200 cm

Location: Main Tower, Hessische Landesbank

Canon EOS 40D ,Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC HSM
1/80s f/2.2 at 30.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 30-May-2008 20:06
Robyco25-May-2008 21:26
Only such great "eyes" as you have, can see such a composition !!!!
fred_il05-Apr-2008 08:18
Guest 04-Apr-2008 08:06
Is she checking to see how her pattern compares the theirs?
Andrew Vincent03-Apr-2008 23:01
Fantastic contrasts! Were they asking her the time? BIG VOTE!
Marjan Schavemaker03-Apr-2008 20:27
Super, Guenter, very original! V
Guest 03-Apr-2008 12:54
H-U-G-E!!! -v-
Martha Albuquerque03-Apr-2008 12:32
excellent, Guenter!
Victoria03-Apr-2008 12:28
love this extraction , beautiful smiles