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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography | all galleries >> COLOR AND COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY >> Portraiture >> Tomi & Emi >> Tomek >
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© 2008 Tomasz Dziubinski

Beskid Zywiecki, Poland

other sizes: small medium original auto
Chris Spracklen06-Jul-2008 21:19
Very nice portrait work, Tomasz.
A classic pose from the young lad.
Best regards, Chris
Chris Spracklen28-Apr-2008 20:40
Excellent portrait of this fine young man, Tomasz.
A typical facial expression from a young guy!! ;o)
Best regards, Chris
mathilda williams05-Apr-2008 00:12
beautiful portrait. he has wonderful eyes.
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography30-Mar-2008 21:55
bardzo ladny
zyziza30-Mar-2008 10:08
very fine portrait! V
CM Kwan30-Mar-2008 09:29
An excellent portrait! V
Gerard Koehl30-Mar-2008 08:05
Magnifique portrait sous cette très belle luminosité. V
Paco López30-Mar-2008 07:07
Great one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big vote!
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad30-Mar-2008 06:08
ditto, what Gayle said. Voted
Gayle P. Clement30-Mar-2008 03:49
Terrific portrait. The lighting is great. A handsome young man.
Guest 30-Mar-2008 02:58
Excellent light and color, wonderful compositiona. V
Roe..30-Mar-2008 01:06
this is great!
an nguyen30-Mar-2008 00:24
Exquisite portrait. V
Patricia Lay-Dorsey30-Mar-2008 00:23
What a perfect portrait--expression, Dof, color, comp, everything!