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Lamar Nix | all galleries >> Galleries >> Avian > Redwing on High Grass
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Redwing on High Grass

"[W]hen she dies she says she'll catch some blackbird's wing
and she will fly away to heaven come some sweet
bluebonnet spring..." Nanci Griffith

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bill friedlander05-Apr-2010 18:33
Lovely composition and the patch of red really pops. Nice muted background. V
alfredo camba jr.04-Dec-2009 01:35
Very nice colors and contrast! Very beautiful image! V
Irene Wehrli06-Oct-2009 07:39
Wonderful colours and compo Lamar - great shot!
Jean D21-Jun-2009 02:02
Excellent avian composition, Lamar! ~V~
Guest 11-Mar-2009 08:13
Fantastic shot Lamar. The red and yellow spot are hard to overlook.
bluebirdstar11-Jan-2009 18:49
Gorgeous - hard to get shot - you got all the colors in the bird, a catchlight in eye and a beautiful background! V
Julie Hatvany18-Mar-2008 11:43
Very nice shot. Tht touch of red just jumps off of the screen.
Darbowski17-Mar-2008 21:06
Superb !!!! V
globalgadabout17-Mar-2008 14:26
lovely the glint in his eye
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