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01-OCT-2004 Catman

SR71 BlackHawk - Catman

Smithsonian Institute Annex. The lighting is not mine :)

Olympus C-5050Z
1/40s f/3.2 at 7.1mm iso64 full exif

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Guest 16-Mar-2008 12:19
Strong shot!
Richdow AKA Catman 16-Mar-2008 01:14
wikipedia says the SR71 was the official name and that the Black bird was a name attached to it by the crews that flew it. I have found several references on other Sr71 web sites that refer to it as the black Hawk, so I guess that Black bird is the correct name, but I think black hawk sound more sinister so I will keep it as is.
ArtP14-Mar-2008 03:39
Isn't that the blackBIRD? Much better shot than I was able to get w my Uzy when I was down there... that thing just sucks up the light :o
Richdow AKA Catman 11-Mar-2008 18:42
Thanks Miro, Colin, and Brent when I go back for another visit, my sister lives very close to the annex, I will sit on the floor and take the same shot.
Miroslav Kral 08-Mar-2008 22:35
Bird of pray for sure. Nice capture. One can't see them every day even in US.
Guest 08-Mar-2008 19:16
Its sort of sinister...
Nice shot.
Olympus DSLR Challenge07-Mar-2008 00:54
Even looking right at it - it is hard to make out the shape. First the wheels leading up to the sweep of the wings. A great picture of discovery! brent