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05-MAR-2008 ©2008 Dick Lowthian

"Something Sinister" - 06-MAR-2008

A hot fudge sundae with a shortbread cookie. It doesn't get much more sinister than this!

To see other sinister PBasers, click here.

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM ,PB-IMG_3116.jpg
1/250s f/6.3 at 28.0mm iso100 full exif

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Guest 08-Mar-2008 17:19
great photo! yup, a wee bit sinister but deliciously so! ;-)
The Third Side08-Mar-2008 04:11
What's sinister is seeing this on my computer screen at 11pm !
Earl Arboneaux 08-Mar-2008 00:47
Man this sure makes me want one, nice job...
Julie Hatvany07-Mar-2008 12:30
My kind of sinister!
Debbie Blackburn Beierle07-Mar-2008 08:01
Totally delicious still life! Excellent job!! Hope you ate it after the photo shoot!!
Linda Willets07-Mar-2008 05:08
carolynne_w06-Mar-2008 23:47
I joinded you will all of my chocolate. This stuff is really sinister!
Russ Rose06-Mar-2008 22:31
This looks wonderful but I know that it is evil.
Guest 06-Mar-2008 22:22
I love sinister when it's like this!!
Zak06-Mar-2008 21:12
Johnny JAG06-Mar-2008 20:55
Nearly as sinister as a comfy chair!
Knox O06-Mar-2008 20:30
that one MEAN dessert!
J. Scott Coile06-Mar-2008 20:01
Just a lil' something sweet. It won't harm anything ;-)
Jonathan Popp06-Mar-2008 19:26
The sinister part of this is that most of us are at work and can't get one of these. That's downright nasty of you :)
beverley harrison06-Mar-2008 19:18
that looks way to scary to face...but i'll take it on single handed...stand back!!
Michael Shpuntov06-Mar-2008 18:28
That's a real evil..... I can't stand it. Clever entry
Máire Uí Mhaicín06-Mar-2008 18:25
Temptation with a capital T. Very sinister when you're watching your waistline!
Nancy Lobaugh06-Mar-2008 17:04
Yum! can I have extra chocolate on mine?
Carole Stevens06-Mar-2008 17:03
Oh I love sinister if it means one of these!
Guest 06-Mar-2008 16:14
I'll have to do my bit for dieting - I'll go without the biscuit!!
Maaike Huizer06-Mar-2008 15:48
:):) Nice shot.
Guest 06-Mar-2008 15:06
A sinister plot on your part
Guest 06-Mar-2008 13:13
I need ot find a betr spall cheecker
Guest 06-Mar-2008 13:11
It's certainly sinsiter for you to taunt your audience. You should be wary; I've seen seen what they are capable of!!!
Cindi Smith06-Mar-2008 12:27
But the best kind of sinister!
Barbara Heide06-Mar-2008 09:11
at least she ate!
Dave Hein06-Mar-2008 08:32
that kind of sinister I can handle.
now where's my spoon?!
Heidi Jonker06-Mar-2008 06:57
Guest 06-Mar-2008 06:37
Mmmm like it very much!
Dan Chusid06-Mar-2008 06:11
Know when to say when.
Norbert Fortelny06-Mar-2008 05:43
MHO: Can't be all bad, it has vitamin C (Chocolate)!
Patricia Lay-Dorsey06-Mar-2008 05:13
That wouldn't be a Sanders hot fudge sundae, now would it? Detroit's most "sinister" treat!
mathilda williams06-Mar-2008 05:03
but oh, so delicious!
how can something so good be so bad??
Sheila06-Mar-2008 04:58
You are right!! It's downright frightening!
Good shot, though.
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