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Trying hard to be Sinister

for the Thursday challenge "Sinister". He doesn't know how LOL!
Other sinister entries found here

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Dan the Man24-Mar-2008 10:29
Real white theet....Who is the dentist? Hi..hi. Great close up, many fine details...V
Sue Robertson12-Mar-2008 22:36
LOL... well done to get this one.. very sinister indeed!.
The Third Side08-Mar-2008 04:08
Very sinister. In a cute sort of way... :-)
Al Chesworth07-Mar-2008 21:22
I am truly terrified. I don't think.
Guest 07-Mar-2008 15:52
Excellent shot!
Nancy Lobaugh07-Mar-2008 14:18
is he smiling??? great shot!
Adalberto Tiburzi07-Mar-2008 06:58
Very creative entry!
Patricia Lay-Dorsey07-Mar-2008 04:16
What a GREAT shot!!! Yes, Fang he is, on PBase at least.
Guest 07-Mar-2008 03:53
Oh that's a beauty!
Guest 07-Mar-2008 02:38
I love this!! v
Yvonne07-Mar-2008 01:19
What big teeth you have!!! Cute shot Sheila... did a lick follow?
carolynne_w06-Mar-2008 23:43
We will call him FANG.
Sue Roberts06-Mar-2008 23:08
amazing detail
Guest 06-Mar-2008 22:30
He does look a little more like he is grinning rather than being scary. Nice shot, though!
Russ Rose06-Mar-2008 22:28
enjoyed. though that he would be friendly.
Antonio Ruggiero06-Mar-2008 22:17
Very nice.Molto buona photo....Bravo..
Scott Browne06-Mar-2008 20:50
Good shot!
J. Scott Coile06-Mar-2008 20:44
Nicki Thurgar06-Mar-2008 20:40
Made me LOL! Great macro and I love those scarey teeth! ;o)
Knox O06-Mar-2008 20:28
growling good!
Malcolm Smith06-Mar-2008 20:09
Excellent, lovely detail. Bet he/she is a softy really :)
Zak06-Mar-2008 19:45
he'll lick you to death ;-)
Dick Lowthian06-Mar-2008 19:18
Looks like he just had a drink of water. Great detail in this close-up, Sheila.
Johnny Rasmussen06-Mar-2008 19:13
Very good closeup!
BleuEvanescence06-Mar-2008 18:41
That made me smile....this is too funny and a very clever entry.
Máire Uí Mhaicín06-Mar-2008 18:22
Johnny JAG06-Mar-2008 17:47
That looks just like a smile.
Guest 06-Mar-2008 17:24
Ahhh!! drives fear home.
Carole Stevens06-Mar-2008 17:14
Wow great pov love the fangs!
Michael Shpuntov06-Mar-2008 16:59
Very scary capture. Great shot.
Bryan Murahashi06-Mar-2008 16:12
Terrific capture.
Guest 06-Mar-2008 15:44
Maaike Huizer06-Mar-2008 15:38
An excellent shot. Very nice b&w.
Guest 06-Mar-2008 15:28
I'm a believer!
Jonathan Popp06-Mar-2008 14:08
Is this his way to getting you to fetch his food bowl???
Inga Morozoff06-Mar-2008 14:03
LOL! Love it. Well staged and captured.
s_barbour06-Mar-2008 13:24
Great entry for todays does look evil!
wendy beard06-Mar-2008 13:15
Looks like you have a smiler there :-)
Faye White06-Mar-2008 12:41
very scary indeed!
Guest 06-Mar-2008 12:31
I trust he had his vaccinations
Phillip Normanton06-Mar-2008 11:46
Well he scares me anyway!!
Jola Dziubinska06-Mar-2008 11:03
Cool teeth ;)
Andrew Vincent06-Mar-2008 10:00
Snotty nose or blunted canines? ;-)

Great close up! VOTE!
beverley harrison06-Mar-2008 09:47
lol...and then out came the tongue and licked you to death!!
Lee Rudd06-Mar-2008 09:28
oh eck has wolfie escaped?
laine8206-Mar-2008 09:10
It's a wooluf, it's a wooluf !! :>) good shot.
Barbara Heide06-Mar-2008 09:06
that's scary! excellent close-up!
Ann...06-Mar-2008 08:38
I think you should back away .... slowly!!!!!
Dave Hein06-Mar-2008 08:23
great choppers!
I like the detail in the whiskers and nose too.
Heidi Jonker06-Mar-2008 07:32
Great close up, I like the details.
Pat Shawyer06-Mar-2008 07:08
Great Sheila !!
Susan Leigh06-Mar-2008 07:07
hmmm.....full moon?? ;-))
this is a great image, love the macro and misture drops on his whiskers...well done! V
Bob White06-Mar-2008 07:00
Great shot and you used a Macro lens.... your Brave
Guest 06-Mar-2008 06:42
Guenter Eh06-Mar-2008 06:14
I wish I had his teeth (LOL), looks like a "transylvanian" (vampire) dog! Exciting close up, excellent choice of monochrome here!
Dan Chusid06-Mar-2008 06:08
Don't ask him to fetch your slippers...
Norbert Fortelny06-Mar-2008 05:39
Yes, these scare me!
mathilda williams06-Mar-2008 05:00
lol, i'm sure he's a mush!
mojoflowerchick06-Mar-2008 04:57
his bark worse than his bite??
B06-Mar-2008 04:56
Great texture and framing. Well done indeed
Guest 06-Mar-2008 04:43
Great shot.
shatterbug06-Mar-2008 04:43
Yikes...maybe you should have shot this one at 400mm! Excellent..
Cindi Smith06-Mar-2008 04:42
Did you tickle him? That could be a smile underneath those teeth! Great shot!