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Pat Shawyer | all galleries >> 2008 >> SNAPSHOTS 2008 >> SNAPSHOTS- Picture ~a~Day FEBRUARY 2008 > senior crossing
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senior crossing

Nikon D300 ,18-200mm
1/1000s f/16.0 at 48.0mm iso640 full exif

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Guest 25-Apr-2009 00:00
The two of the signs combined together makes for great imagery. Very interesting, Pat.
Bill Ewart Jr11-May-2008 01:46
Wow!!!!!!!!! That's a real sign?!!! Cool~
Guest 11-Apr-2008 20:14
Your seniors shouldn't be allowed to do it in public - it's not decent!!

Mike :o)
Kilkenny Photographic Society24-Mar-2008 17:03
Mmmm,.the mind boggles! Well spotted and photographed Pat. v
Harry Reid.
Cindi Smith20-Feb-2008 01:58
I hate to say this but I'm going to anyway...are the humps the ones that actually got run over?? LOL! Just kidding!!!
Pic Chick19-Feb-2008 22:54
I always thought the speed bumps were little soft in our area...

If you drive fast tho, you can get extra points for mine:
Máire Uí Mhaicín19-Feb-2008 18:49
This is a great find! I hope the motorists bump slowly along here, because the years have a habit of accelerating as we grow older and that sign could be for any of us in years to come!
Walter Otto Koenig19-Feb-2008 16:23
Great find. Always making fun of the senior citizens.
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